
Delivery Charges

Delivery charges vary depending on the type of products ordered and cannot be refunded. We are able to post worldwide and charge a fixed rate, this rate may not cover the shipping cost to your country so additional payment maybe required where applicable, you should make us aware of your location if outside the mainland UK. We will contact you independently to arrange for additional charges if you wish us to post or deliver outside of the mainland UK.

We will attempt to get the best delivery charges and options for your country. However, we may need to adjust your postage charge and will be in touch if this is the case. We therefore reserve the right to re-issue delivery charges depending on the countries.


Occasionally, there maybe a delay in your delivery by the courrier due to unforeseen reasons beyound our control. We do however make it our goal to see that you get your goods as quickly as possible, we can arrange Saturday deliveries but please contact us first for a correct price for this service.